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Training Requirements

The student of Polarity Therapy engages in the study of Energy Theory & Principles, Anatomy & Physiology, Energetic touch bodywork (Polarity Therapy), Nutrition, Polarity Yoga & Exercise, Communication & Facilitation, Business Management and Ethics.


There are currently three levels of designation, granted by the American Polarity Therapy Association: Associate in Polarity Principles (APP), Registered in Polarity Principles (RPP) and Board Certified Polarity Practitioner (BCPP).


To become an APP, a student must successfully complete 120 hours of in-class training, 30 hours of clinical practice, 5 hours of personal sessions, and many hours of independent home study.


To become an RPP, a student requires APP prerequisites plus an additional 440 hours of class time, 70 hours of clinical practice, 40 hours experiencing personal sessions and guidance, and hundreds of hours of home study.  Upon completion, a practitioner will have invested close to 700 hours in classroom and clinical work, with independent home study and personal development. These are minimum requirements – many schools require more.  


A BCPP is available to all RPPs and means those individuals are certified by the American Polarity Therapy Association as having the knowledge, skills and abilities associated with its standards of practice and have successfully passed a professional examination.  This BCPP designation may be accepted more readily by regulatory bodies and/or insurance providers than the RPP designation alone.


For more information about training in Ontario, contact any of the following APTA approved schools:


Realizing Your Potential (APP & RPP Approved)
Wasaga Beach, Ontario
Director – Sher Smith, RN, RPP, RCST
Phone: 905-751-1076


American Polarity Therapy Association (APTA)
Greensboro, North Carolina
Phone: 336-574-1121

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